Welcome to EasyWagon

Vehicle types

pioneer trailers
pioneer trailers
Dining and office trailers
Dining and office trailers
Crew trailers
crew trailers
Toilet and shower trailers
Toilet and shower trailers
cooling and freezer trailers
cooling and freezing trailers
Special trailers
Special trailers


We are specialists in production & sale of light trucks

EasyWagon is the result of more than 30 years of experience with production of trailers. It started with Eurowagon in 2008, where all our trailers were produced in our own factory in the Czech Republic. The trailers were developed for many different purposes, both standard and custom-made. In 2015, Eurowagon got sold. In 2016, we acquired the brand and logo for Easywagon and then started our own factory in Poland. This is were we produce all our modern lightweight trailers today. 

With extensive experience and passion, we are dedicated to deliver the best lightweight trailers on the market. Based on all of our experience, we have now produced the ultimate trailer. 


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